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Woman during underarm laser hair removal and armpit laser epilation at beauty center. Lase


Soprano ICE laser Amsterdam

Skin Care


Have your unwanted hair removed permanently with the SOPRANO TITANIUM. The hair follicles are removed by means of a pulse of light, so that no hair can grow back. A laser treatment in the Bella Brasil beauty salon starts at € 7.

Tratamento facial


Every skin type is different and requires a unique approach. At Bella Brasil, we take the time to look at your skin and your needs, and together we work out the treatment plan. Our treatments and medical peels are composed in such a way that it is possible to meet every need. From acne to a facelift without surgery. From pigmentation spots to a lack of moisture.


Our expert and experienced specialists are ready for you from consultation to aftercare. Whether it's a small imperfection, or something that has bothered you for years. We offer the treatment that suits you and we explain everything clearly, so that you know exactly where you stand.

Massagem com Bambu


Waxing in Amsterdam starts from € 10. During the treatment, unwanted hair and dead skin cells are removed. Our certified wax specialists work carefully so that you do not suffer from skin irritation. You will also notice that the number of ingrown hairs decreases.

Beleza natural



You can go for acrylic nails, gel nail polish and a manicure in our beauty salon in Amsterdam. The unique thing about the Gelcolor is that it stays in place for three to four weeks, so you always have well-groomed hands.


From cosmetic treatments to nail fungus: our certified pedicure in Amsterdam treats your feet with the care they need. In this way, every pedicure treatment is adapted to the condition of your feet.


You can come for a haircut or hair dye at our professional hair salon.. Our specialization is keratin treatment, in which the hair is nourished and styled. After the treatment, your hair will remain straight for two months.

Lavando o cabelo no cabelereiro


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